Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Baseball Quotes and Sayings

When we played softball, I’d steal second base, feel guilty and go back.
- Woody Allen

Baseball is like church. Many attend but few understand.
- Wes Westrum

Baseball was made for kids, and grown-ups only screw it up.
- Bob Lemon

Baseball is a fun game. It beats working for a living.
- Phil Linz

The strongest thing that baseball has going for it today are its yesterdays.
- Lawrence Ritter

There are three things you can do in a baseball game. You can win, or you can lose, or it can rain.
- Casey Dillon Stengel

Baseball fans are junkies, and their heroin is the statistic.
- Robert

I see great things in baseball. It’s our game, the American game.
- Walt Whitman

Poets are like baseball pitchers. Both have their moments. The intervals are the tough things.
- Robert Frost

From : Baseball Sayings

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